What Do You Need To Bring, And What Can You Expect


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First Appointment

Following are the steps to follow

To obtain a rebate from Medicare and to see a Specialist, please bring a referral for you and your partner (if applicable) from your General Practitioner (GP) addressing it to Dr Myran Ponnam-Palam. Your GP may give you a 12-month referral; however, if you have received a referral from a Specialist, this will only be valid for 3 months unless specified otherwise.

(and Private Health Insurance Details if applicable)

At your first appointment, we will ask you to complete a registration form including your contact details, Medicare number (and Private Health Insurance information if applicable). This information will help us submit claims to Medicare on your behalf or provide you with receipts to submit to your private health insurer if you are a non-resident.

Following is the Registration Form 

Registration Form

Please bring your (and/or your partners) latest:

  • Blood test results
  • Scans
  • Operation reports
  • Semen analysis results
  • Medications – List of the medication and dosages that you are currently taking (fertility and non-fertility related)

To give Dr. Myran the best chance of helping you conceive, could you and your partner (if applicable) please complete the attached medical questionnaire. It’s designed to give us a more complete history of your journey to grow your family. In conjunction with any blood test and ultrasound results, this will assist Dr. Myran in understanding your medical history and a more valuable initial discussion regarding your fertility treatment options.

Following are the Medical Questionnaires 

Medical Questionnaire (Female)

Medical Questionnaire (Male)

Our Fees

*Please note that these are estimated figures. Please call us on (03) 8788 7110 for further clarifications*

The estimated costs associated with Dr. Myran Ponnam-Palam’s Clinic:

Initial Consultation (Fertility) $150 $84.15 $65.85
Initial Video Consultation (Fertility) $120 $84.15 $35.85
Follow up $80 $42.30 $37.70
Follow up (Non Medicare) $45 ~ ~
Follow up (tele-consult) Bulk Billed ~ ~
Follow up (tele-consult – Non Medicare) $45 ~ ~
Consultations (Fee for Partner) – Non Medicare and Medicare Card Holders without a Referral
Initial Consultation (Fertility) $85 ~ $85
Follow up Consultation (Fertility) $45 ~ $45
Ultrasound (Fertility) + Consultation $120 $75.60 $44.40
Ultrasound (Fertility) + Consultation (Non-medicare) $80 ~ ~
Ultrasound (Pregnancy) + Consultation $120 $78.95 $41.05
Ultrasound (Pregnancy) + Consultation (Non-medicare) $80 ~ ~
Tube test/Saline Scan + Consultation $120 $54.35 $65.65
IUI $250 ~ $250
FSH cycle $150 ~ $150

The estimated costs associated with fertility treatments

Ovulation Tracking Ranging from $120 – $150

> Ovulation tracking medication: $35-$45 (pharmacy)
> Ovulation induction medication: $50 (Pharmacy) 

Insemination Contact Dr. Myran’s clinic at 03 8788 7110
IVF $2000 – $8000 out of pocket
Egg Freezing Refer to Melbourne IVF’s website

Medicare Rebate

The Australian government, along with support from the community, ensures that Australians have continued access to specialised fertility treatments. Medicare covers the majority of the costs associated with these treatments. Additionally, your expenses may be further reduced if you have private health insurance.

Under the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS), a rebate is provided for out-of-pocket costs related to outpatient services, including visits to general practitioners and specialists. The Extended Medicare Safety Net (EMSN) offers an additional rebate for individuals whose costs exceed a certain annual threshold.

Once the annual threshold is reached, the EMSN provides a capped rebate for IVF-related treatments. Your Medicare Safety Net entitlement starts at the beginning of each calendar year. Once you surpass the threshold, Medicare will reimburse a portion of your upfront payment for most non-hospital medical services.

In addition to IVF, various assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatments, such as intrauterine insemination (IUI), frozen embryo transfer, and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), are eligible for a Medicare rebate. Ovulation induction receives a rebate only when an insemination procedure is involved. These rebates are not means-tested and are accessible to all individuals holding a valid Medicare card. There are no limitations on the amount you can claim.


  1. The Medicare Safety Net entitlement does not cover hospital/day surgery services like egg collection and embryo transfer.
  2. Procedures without a Medicare item number, such as testicular biopsy, are not eligible for reimbursement.
  3. Medications, cycle monitoring outside clinics, and cryo storage do not receive a Medicare rebate.
  4. Day hospital procedures may not be covered, but reimbursement for the anaesthetist’s cost may be possible through Medicare or private health insurance.


To be eligible for the Medicare rebate, you must have a referral from your GP, valid for 12 months, or from a specialist gynaecologist/obstetrician, which remains valid for 3 months.

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Talk to the Fertility Experts.

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