Privacy Policy

At Dr. Myran Ponnam-palam’s clinic, our foremost priority is delivering the highest quality treatment and healthcare to you. This necessitates a relationship built on trust and confidentiality, where we handle your personal health information with care and respect your privacy.

Consequently, we will manage your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and adhere to our obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and, where applicable, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Dr. Myran Ponnam-palam and the administration staff collaborate to provide fertility treatment, requiring access to your personal health information for optimal care.

You have the right to know what personal information we hold, how to access it, why it’s held, to whom it may be disclosed, and when your consent is required. This Policy details these aspects, and you can address any privacy concerns with your doctor or staff at any time.

Information Collection

Dr. Myran Ponnam-palam and the staff collect information essential for tailored advice, care, and management or as required by law. This may include contact details, medical history, family medical history, and billing details, obtained directly from you or, with your consent, from other sources.

Purposes of Information Handling

To provide optimal treatment, your personal information may be used for various purposes, such as sharing within the treatment team, communication with referring practitioners, referrals to other medical entities, billing, practice management, and compliance with regulatory requirements. Non-identifying information may also be used for analysis and research.

Data Quality and Security

We strive for accurate, up-to-date, and secure handling of personal information, utilising encrypted emails internally. We secure your information from unauthorised access, modification, or disclosure.

Access and Correction

In most cases, you can access your personal information, request corrections, or have it shared with third parties. An administration fee may apply, and corrections are noted without erasing the original record.

Website and Cookies

Our website employs cookies for enhanced user experience, anonymously tracking usage. You can reject cookies but may have limited access. We use Google Analytics for remarketing, providing opt-out options.

Purposes of Information Use

Your personal and health information is used to inform you about our services, provide excellent care, update records, respond to complaints, comply with laws, and for administrative, marketing, planning, and research purposes.

Retention of Records

To comply with regulations, we retain medical records for at least twenty five years.


If you have privacy concerns, contact our Administrator staff after initial discussions.