Could it be ME?
The first step is to have a Semen Analysis (Sperm Test) done. This should be done early to avoid your partner undergoing complicated and expensive treatments.
A normal Semen Analysis result would mean that you are unlikely to be the main reason for infertility.
Could it be ME?
The first step is to have a Semen Analysis (Sperm Test) done. This should be done early to avoid your partner undergoing complicated and expensive treatments.
A normal Semen Analysis result would mean that you are unlikely to be the main reason for infertility.

What can have a significant impact on my fertility?
How do I do a sperm test?
In Australia, most pathology services will do a semen analysis and would generally Bulk Bill the test. A Request Form can be obtained from your GP or specialist.
If the sperm test comes back abnormal, the next step should be to repeat it. Generally, this is best done through an Andrology Laboratory, which is associated with fertility clinics. This can set you back. AUS $100-150.
What steps can I take to keep good sperm health?
Does taking vitamins improve sperm health?
If you decide to take them, then choose one that has zinc and selenium as part of the ingredients

Zinc Tablets at supermarkets – $10-15 for a 3 month Supply
Are Chemist/online sperm tests any good?
Personally, I wouldn’t waste your dollars when you can do a more comprehensive test through pathology services in Australia under medicare.
– Myran Ponnam-Palam –
Why can’t I do the deed when I really need to?
Many men find having intercorse to set times difficult. Intercorse is generally spontaneous, and thus performance anxiety can set in when sex becomes a planned routine.